parkway starbucks

Author: Carlo@hoGc // Category:

currently in Parkway starbucks doing my stuffs.. i'm drinking my favourite in starbucks.. expresso frapp double shot w/ java chip & less whip cream!!! hahahas.. eh hint alr liao.. we go starbucks u noe wad to buy me hor.. lol..

i'll be doin my stuff here..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIA  BIAO!!! hahahahas.. really sorry i cn't join you.. but God's blessing you now!! hahahahahas

ok.. so wad now? i dun noe lei.. i dun noe wad to say alr.. out of words.. sian..

hi carlo! how are you!

i'm fine thank you.. u?

oh i'm doing fine as well.. so wad's been happening? it's been a long time since we last talked..

hmm.. nth much man.. just the usual stuff.. praising and worshipping God.. my first love.. meeting and talking to people.. drinking coffee being the caffeine addict that i am.. chatting wif the great guys frm d5.. chatting wif su lin.. hmm.. besides that.. i dun think there's nth else..

really meh? i'm sure u hve such a happening life..

ya.. if happening u mean having such great friends and such an awesome God then yups.. my life is happening..

so anything interesting that happened in the past few months?

yeah of course man.. so much happened in just 2 mths! it feels as though it has alr been a yr.. amazing huh?

really? wad happened?

hmmm.. let's go chronologically shall we?

ok sure..

hmm.. in dec we had vbs.. it was awesome.. i was part of the vbs team which was in charge of hospitality.. it was great i think through the vbs i really grew in terms of character, leadership abilities and more..

oh cool.. wad's vbs?

Vacation Bible School..

wow tt's cool.. so wad else happened?

Christmas svc was a blast.. we really got to know wad was in pastor's heart.. so much stuff.. i just cn't say it in words.. it's too much and too undescribable to be explained in simple eng.. u missed it then tt's it man.. wait till next yr.. LOL

oh man.. how cn i miss such an exciting event.. tsk.. so wad else?

Vision weekend was great.. the vision for the church is The beginnings of leadership... cool huh? then new yr celebration nd then sec1 orientation.. haiz.. really.. if u missed them.. too bad..

wow sounds really cool.. i knew u have such a happening life.. so wad's next for you?

hmm.. i'm nt really sure.. PSB? waiting?

wad's PSB? and wait for wad?

PSB is the thing tt we're trying to start.. the Peer Support Board.. it's smth where we can actually train leaders who have character and leaders who will be an impact to society and all walks of life.. lots of details into it.. maybe i'll explain it to u sme oth time? hahahas.. hmm in regards to waiting.. i shall not say it man.. let those hu hve ears hear.. hahahahas.. but complicated man.. lol

hahahas ok.. woah.. u're great.. we should catch up agn soon aye?

yups.. we must! hahahas.. cya!



conversation wif myself.. sry nth much to do..