Asia Conference

Author: Carlo@hoGc // Category:

This is going to be long.
I'll be reporting everything that has happened during

We'll go day by day.


Day 1

Right after Effective Oral Communications,
I went straight away to Asia Conference.
Met Godric at Expo MRT and waited for the rest to come.
Choong Kai actually got lost.
From here on he will be called The monkey =.=
Then after meeting Valerie and the others,
we went for the very first elective which was Effective Counseling.

[We were around the middle]

[Pastor Mike Connell]

After that we went to Burger King where The Monkey
ate a Ballsy.
He's so small yet such a big appetite =.=
But actually Ballsy is not that big.
I mean compared to Carl Jr.


[Carl's Jr looks bigger in real life]

While eating,
it started to rain,
so we went into the expo hall and ate there.
I then proceeded to play my Age of Mythology,
with constant "loser lei" from the monkey.
And this is when I met Mr Ryan Yap for the first time,
at Hall 4 at 410pm [Specific Info came from him.. LOL].
Cool Sec 3 guy.
Super awesome to talk and hang out with.
Hope to see you more in Church man!
He asked me to add this:
This is the day I met my bestest friend for the rest of my life! =D

Then he decided to play bnet at Expo!
Which actually works!
And it doesn't lag!
But we had to go back to Hall 7 for the Dinner Session.

We got seated in the front tables,
and the monkey actually ate again.
But after that he became bloated.
So while queueing to get into the Hall 8,
He was feeling very very sick.

It was super funny when we were queueing,
we kept teasing Valerie about her height.
This was coupled by KS and Dexter's remarks,
which made it even more hilarious.

*Lining up*

KS: Hey Valerie! How's the air down there!

Valerie: Eh!

Dexter: Who ate onions here? Let's all breathe life to Valerie.

Valerie: Eh!

KS: Valerie! How does it feel down there arh? Let me get the feeling. *bents down to Valerie's height* Wah! Very dark sia! Now I know how you feel.

After much squeezing and pushing,
we finally got in to Hall 8.
But it was already filled! =.=
Not even 5 minutes have passed,
yet the whole hall was filled.
So we were rushing here and there to find seats.
Fortunately we found seats
and unfortunately Emersius ended up in overflow. =P
Turned out that they queued on the wrong queue which was leading to overflow. lol

Pastor Kong is just seriously super cool.
He is like the coolest man.

[Pastor Kong Hee]

For the 1st Session,
he talked about Paul in Athens.
How Paul had upward mobility to influence the movers and shakers of society.
It was definitely super impactful
and it has really changed my mindset about
the Cultural Mandate.
It also definitely set the stage for the Asia Conference 2008.
Definitely an awesome start.


Day 2

Suppose to meet the rest at 730,
but i calculated the time needed to go there wrongly.
So ended up going to Expo at 745.
We started queueing until 830+ when they opened the door
for the 2nd Session,
this time with Pastor Phil Pringle.

Praise and Worship was started by C3 Band,

with songs such as 'Help Me' and 'Today'.
It was then followed by the ever so familiar,
'God is good' by international Worship Leader, Don Moen.

Then followed by a super super anointed 'I believe there is more'.

The session turned into a revival meeting
as Pastor Phil started praying for the international delegates.

It was super powerful as it touched everyone 
and really gave everyone a vision.
Pastor Phil then ended with a short message
about getting a revelation of who we are,
instead of compromising on who we are by
trying to be somebody we are not.

We then had a 30 minutes break before the 3rd Session
with Pastor Ulf Ekman.

Ok over here.
I confess.
I was dozing off. =x
This was from the lack of sleep,
not because the word was boring.
Pastor Ulf gave a really great message about the Holy Spirit
and how it's important to know the Holy Spirit.

Ending the session,
Pastor Kong exhorted us to take out the 'I' factor in us
and begin a life surrendered to God and in God with the help of the Holy Spirit.

After that we broke for lunch.
I think the food is really really good.
Super nice!
From the first day,
we have learnt to be a typical Singaporean Kiasu and line up early.

After lunch we went to the food court.
I have no idea why.
So we went there and i played DOTA,
again with constant "noob" and "loser" from the monkey.
He then took my laptop and started playing =.=

Around 330, we started walking back to Hall 10,
for Pastor Tan Ye Peng's Building a Healthy Self-Image.
Quite interesting.
I really learned a lot from here.
Especially about being secure of who we are and getting that revelation of who we are.

We then headed to line up for the Dinner.
Dinner was awesome,
yet again.
But this time,
we ate while standing in line!
Super Kiasu.
But we got super nice seats so it's ok!
It wasn't only us who were eating there anyway =.=

4th Session with Pastor Ulf was awesome.
I like the way he preaches. 
Very energetic.
At the end he prayed for the Pastors.
Super cool.
I especially like the way he prays for people as well.
Super energetic.

Pastor Ulf preached about connecting the generation gap.
It was really good man.
If you see clearly,
the newer generations don't really like the old generations and vice versa.
So Pastor Ulf said that if we are able to reconcile them,
we can impact more people for the Kingdom of God.


Day 3

Met at 730am.
My Macbook is really a good friend.
Wakes me up in time and don't allow me to go back to sleep.

So we lined up for Session 5 with Pastor AR Bernard.
Pastor AR Bernard is so cool man.
He's a politician cum banker cum economist cum PASTOR!!

Wah super powerful.
Can really learn a lot of new words from him.

Pastor Bernard talked about how Obama got elected as the president.
It's because of providence;
when God interrupts the natural order of life to cause something that would not ordinarily happen in the natural sequence of life.
He also taught about Kairos and Metanoia.

Kairos : a moment in history where there is a collective sense of deeply meaningful change in the air.
Metanoia : a radical change in mind and consciousness causing people to do what they previously would never have considered and done.

He also taught about being insulated to penetrate the marketplace.
So cool man.

After the break,
It was Pastor Phil Pringle again for Session 6.
He was going to preach a word.
But the session turned to a revival meeting again with him praying for the Pastors.
But this was different.
I really cried buckets of tears from this session.
Especially when he pulled out a 20 year old guy to be prayed for
and that guy was not suppose to be even prayed for because only Pastors.
He was one of the security catching the people.
But Pastor Phil said that he just saw something in him
and that he just have to pray for him.

When he was praying for him.
I really cried man.
Inside me,
I knew that that was it.
This is it.
It kept repeating in me.
Pastor Phil said that in the book of Acts,
the apostles were around 20 years old when they changed the world!
I knew that I have to continue with the SLC.

After that was lunch with Pastor Christine Pringle.
She shared something really powerful and touching.
But i don't know why so many people were walking around. =.=
But the message was really super super touching.

We then went to another elective.
But we kind of "crashed" the elective.
We were suppose to go to Choosing the Right Partner in Life,
but we went to Art of Worship Leading.
It was super cool man.
I really found it super helpful.
After that,
monkey and me was talking about singing.
Told him about my key and valerie's.

Then we went for dinner,
and while in line,
all of us were singing and singing worship songs.
Then monkey wanted to see the difference between mine and Valerie's key.
Then Monkey wanted to sing in my key.
But because his voice still CMI for now,
he can't reach yet.
But i hear him sing and i hear that he can reach my key if he practice.

So while in the holding area for the next session,
he practiced with the song,
You Reign.

This was when we became angry, sad, and irritated.
Because, they said that when we were at Hall 10,
it was the holding area.
But in the end it turned out that we will be stuck there as overflow =.=
We were angry man.
But we just decided in the end to help Pastor Kong build the atmosphere there.
Now it's my turn to be in overflow and Emersius to be in the hall =.=

Pastor Kong then preached for Session 7.
He showed us that heaven is really a city.
A city where redeemed things are there.
So things which are of the world are redeemed and they make up heaven/Holy City.
Pastor Kong challenged us to continue seeking for this City.
Not to be passive.
Redeem the value of everything for the glory of God.


Day 4

We didn't go for Asia Conference on day 4.
We went for our own service with C3.
Pastor How preached about having visions.

At the end of the service,
he closed with a challenge.
I was crying buckets when he was speaking.
It was about protecting the new generation.
The youths.
Protecting them from gangsters and stuff like that.

From that challenge,
God really dropped the message to me that SLC MUST happen.
In addition, i felt that God wants me to change everything.
From impartation of practical skills
to Impartation of Vision.

Asia Conference had Pastor Benny Hinn with them.
Emersius said that, and i quote, 
"the whole place was overwhelmed with anointing."
So cool.
We missed that.
But next time.
There's always a next time.


Day 5

It's the Grand Finale!
We met in the morning for the Prayer meeting.
Met at 7am.
The most scary part was that there was already a multitude of people there! Gosh.
But we still got great seats! LOL
Thanks to Jieru.

Pastor How has been ordained as a Reverend!!!
So now is Reverend Tan Seow How.
Awesome lei.
I'm so proud to be in Heart of God Church!

Pastor Phil then preached about 
when we are in a valley of dry bones,
we must keep walking and prophesy to the dry bones.
The dry bones symbolizes troubles and problems and death.
If we prophesy against those dry bones,
they will become "covered in flesh and walk again"

After that we had lunch at the food court.
Then after lunch,
went to line up 2.5 hours earlier.
It was so scary.
There were like 3000+ people in front of us already!
We were so scared we'll go to overflow again.
But thank God we didn't
and to top it off,
we got great seats! LOL

Grand Finale was very chinese.
I couldn't understand.
But fortunately Gentson was there to translate for me!
JJ Lin came and Liu Geng Hong.
JJ Lin dressed super weird.
Looks so kiddy.
Like super kiddy. =.=
But he's doing really good for the Lord!

Pastor AR Bernard preached in the last Session.
Oh man.
Pastor AR Bernard is just so amazing.
He talked about how,
by changing the person,
we can change the whole place he stays in!
He says that our job is to go into the culture of the world and redeem them.
Redeem the value in them.
"To pull them in, clean them up and to send them back in again." =D

We then worshipped God for close to an hour!
Super cool!
I love worship a lot!
Actually the whole session should have ended by 8pm.
But it ended close to 11pm!!
Which means service from 5pm to 11pm!
And we weren't even feeling tired.

After worship,
we sang Heaven and then as a CHC conference tradition,
we sang That's what friends are for.
I like that song.
So nice.

We then proceeded to go home.
But I wanted to eat at Expo first.
But when i returned after finding Gentson and the Monkey
There was no more food.
So we just waited with Hao Yang for Ranford, Gavin and Godric.
After that took bus 38 to Tampines Interchange to meet the rest eating at Mcdonalds.

Went home after that.
Sent a few songs to Emersius and then,


Today I came late to school.
Because I forgot to set my Mac to wake me up.
Went to school and just slacked in class for 2 hours,
went home,
then had lunch,
Practiced Dizi,
Then KO!

Ok that's all man!
Have fun Reading.
That took me close to 4 hours to post. =.=

I love these songs man.
Super nice Praise Song.

[Shine Like Stars by True Worshippers]

[I Will Bless The Lord by True Worshippers]

[God is Good by Don Moen]

[Elevate Your Name by City Harvest Church]


I forgot to do the quiz Yong Siang Tagged me.
Ok i'll do it now. =D

rules and regulations:
-people who were tagged, need to blog about their own 10 weird habits/little facts as well as state the rules clearly.
at the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
10 weird
things/habits/little known facts about yourself.

1) I like to eat plain crackers
2) I hate it when people mispronounce or use a word wrongly. Like for example, how do you pronounce Debris? It should be Debr-ee.. Silent 'S'
3) I like taking long walks.
4) I have this problem with my throat. I can't eat too much of anything that is too sweet, or else i'll get a sore throat and lose my voice. Too much is actually very little. I can only take 2 scoops of ice cream =.=
5) I sleep at 3am almost everyday and wake up at 6am.
6) I play quite a few musical instruments like (in order of pro-ness): Guitar, Vocal(is this counted as a musical instrument), Drums, Chinese Percussion Instruments, Keyboard and Dizi.
7) I'm a grandma's boy. I love my grandmother a lot! =)
8) I hate techno and metal songs. Especially when the people listening to them blasts the music on their headphones and you can still hear it from a distance. =.=
9) I LOVE Yupi Gummy Bears!
10) I just saw Emersius' answers to this questions. If his current bedsheet has cartoon animals on it and is bright blue, well mine currently is bright blue with Pokemon everywhere. =D
People to be tagged:
Choong Kai aka The Monkey
Neil Brian aka Braix23
Mardiana aka diana marz
Hong Rui aka hr
Nicholas Loh
Valerie Cheong
Ang Pei Jun aka Potato aka Peggy aka Tapioca aka Oneh Oneh (Actually still have more aka LOL)

The End.

[Disclaimer: Pictures posted here does not belong to me. They fully belong to City Harvest Church, City News.]