End Time Series pt1 w/ Pastor How

Author: Carlo@hoGc // Category:

Hi guys! today let me show you abt the time sequnce of when the 2nd of coming of Jesus is..

Eschatology= End times

Jesus is coming back! How do we know?

Witness of Jesus himself

> [John 14:1-3]

> [Revelation 22:7]

> [Revelation 22:12]

> [Revelation 22:20]

Witness of the angels

> [Acts 1:9-11]

Witness of Apostle Paul

> [1 Thessalonians 4:15 - 5:2]

What is the Time Sequence?

> [1 Thessalonians 4:15 - 5:2]

     >"the Day Of The Lord" (DOTL)

> [2 Peter 3:3-4]

     > people will begin to mock and ridicule you for becoming a Christian

> [2 Peter 3:9-10]

     > DOTL

1st Key Fact:

The 2nd coming of Jesus Christ = DOTL

> [Isaiah 13:6-13]

     > DOTL= the day of God's wrath

[Joel 2:31]

     > take note of the words "before" and "the Day of the Lord"

Therefore before DOTL there will be a massive blackout.

[Joel 3:14-16]

[Revelations 19:11-16]

2nd Key Fact:

The blackout will happen before the DOTL

[Matthew 24:29-30]

> take note of the word "after"

3rd Key Fact:

The black out will happen after the Great Tribulation(GT)



[Luke 21:7-28]

> GT

     > times of persecution

[Matthew 24:3-31]

[1 Thessalonians 4:13-17]

Ressurection & Rapture

You have to be dead in Christ

> First ressurection

> [1 Corinthians 15:20-23]

[1 Thessalonians 4:17]

> Caught up= Rapture

Who will be Raptured?

> [Matthew 24:36-44]

> [Matthew 25:31-46]

     > the rapture is a time of separations

> Those who are Christians who are prepared and not lazy and love others

     > only those who have the substance of Christ will be Raptured

[1 Corinthians 15:50-58]

When is the Rapture?

> [Matthew 24:29-31]

4th Key Fact:

The rapture will happen during the DOTL


GT -> BLACKOUT -> DOTL(Second Coming & Rapture)

The rapture happens Post-Tribulation NOT Pre-Tibulation or Mid-Tribulation

DOTL=God's Wrath

> [Zephaniah 1:14-18]

But we as Christians do not have to worry about that because we will not go through it. God has a pattern where He always pulls out the righteous before He judges.

When the Rapture comes, the door of grace closes

[Luke 4:18-20] vs [Isaiah 61:1-2]

> there's a continuation to what Jesus said in Luke

> Jesus purposely left it out

So who gets in trouble during the DOTL?

> the wicked

> the sinners

> the unrepentant

Great Tribulation= devil's wrath

[Revelation 12:12]

We will go through the GT because the devil wants to ake as much as he can because he knows he has a short time left

[Acts 14:22]

> If you don't strengthen your spirit now, how can you go through the GT

[Revelation 2:8-10]

[Romans 5:3-4]

> That is why God allows bad things to happen to us

     > to prepare and strengthen our spirit for the times to come

[Revelation 7:9-17]

What you believe in will govern your decisions and your lifestyle.