I'm very tired now.
For all those people who don't know what's PRC.
It means People's Republic of China.
I'm in China.
I'm tired and irritated.
Tired because of the day's events.
Irritated because my phone died on me. Yet again.
The Plane ride here is definitely super fun.
It is a memorable experience.
Me and my friends were really noisy in the plane.
Taking the fact that there were people sleeping!
We were talking a lot about non-sensical stuffs.
5.5 hours of traveling in a plane.
What can you expect?
There was actually one point in time when we actually tried playing catching.
But we found that there's not much space so we just decided
To Tau Pok on of my friends!
Mini Tau Pok la.
Then we watched movies
and finally just talked and chatted.
We arrived in the hotel.
Grand Hyatt Hotel!
We were all surprised.
Didn't know we'll be staying in a 5 star hotel.
But upon arriving and upon putting down our bags.
One by one.
Each of us got knocked out.
Morning came and the hectic activities started.
Wait for the bus.
Go to theatre.
My friends rehearse.
I talk to some of the event coordinators.
Watch performance.
Wait for Bus.
Go hotel.
Go eat at Japanese Restaurant in the hotel.
Back to room.
As you can see.
It's kind of mundane.
But the things that happen are really very fun.
I consider it fun.
Definitely memorable.
But right now.
I'm really tired.
I think i'll tell you more about it once i return to singapore.
Don't miss me too much!
The End.
Tag Replies:
Christina - umm.. tt's a lame reason.. we're talking abt a life here.. gd job.. insensitivity? sorry but it's just wrong to think like that.
Passer-by - hahahas yeah i noe.. but i'm sure there's alr BGR during pri sch.. i've heard of quite a few.. heard and seen actually.
diana marz - hahahas.. ya lor.. they nth else btr to do la.. no purpose in life.. lol
Godric - lol.. really arh? thanks man!
Yus - i not jealous la plz.. come on.. a lot want to be wif me.. i just dun wnt.. LOL.. jkjk.. but seriously this kind of mind set, the "their problem mah" is the reason why it's running rampant.. get it?