Nick Vujicic This Tuesday & Wednesday

Author: Carlo@hoGc // Category:
Oh man.
I am falling sick.
I need to rest.
I need a long long rest.
But not this week.
After this week.


Today school was ok.
Had our Internet and Web Technologies Tutorial.
The teacher is nice but she is too straight forward and strict.
Can not be late, Can not eat in classroom, Can not do this, Can not do that.

What's more lame is the project.
Need to do a lot of online research WHICH can only be done in school.
It's ok.
My group got India.
It's a it more easier than the rest.

India Rocks!

After that is Microeconomics lecture.
I've always been attentive in Microeconomics lecture.
But today was a bit special.
Me, Keith and Ernest was a bit restless.

So we ended up laughing our ass off at this picture:

[Taken from Jordan's blog. Click on the picture to be directed to his blog]

Super funny.




This Tuesday and Wednesday,
Nick Vujicic is coming to town!
Who is Nick Vujicic?


He was born without limbs.
His physical disability caused him great inconvenience,
but the biggest pain came from the unwanted negative attention that he received
and the feelings of rejection, isolation and being different.
he became the target of bullies!
At the tender age of eight,
Nick first contemplated suicide
to end his pain for himself and his family.

Yet through great resilience, support from friends and families
and a divine touch from above,
Nick Vujicic was able to overcome his disability
and lead a life that is almost like
any other human being..

the motivational speaker,
at just 25 years old,
has made more than 1600 appearances in 12 nations,
inspiring tens of thousands to live life to its fullest despite the odds.

If you want to come.
Feel free to tag me or contact me in MSN.


Zhi Xiang wants me to help him advertise.

The End