Pastor Kong is Loved <3

Author: Carlo@hoGc // Category:
I really loved this week.
I've definitely grown to a whole new level after this week.
A combination of Morning Prayer Meetings and Super impactful services.
If you don't grow spiritually after that,
I don't know already. =X

Pastor Kong is really awesome.
I feel so fortunate to be a part of this City Harvest Movement
and to be a part of Heart of God Church,
to be a part of the building of the church.
From small beginnings to great beginnings.
Most importantly of all,
I'm so proud to be part of the kingdom of God.

Today's sermon by Pastor Kong was really so cool.
I really love bible studies,
because it gives you revelations about the bible.
You may think that the bible is just a book,
but if you really study it,
there's so much things in the bible that are so interesting!

During worship,
I was just worshipping God when I got a revelation.
I knew that I had a lot of pride in me.
The spirit of pride.
And I've wanted to get it out for so long,
but I can not.
It seems as though it will be the death of me.
But then today I got a revelation,
[Matthew 17:20-21] and [Mark 9:29].

I just suddenly thought of those verses.
Especially verse 21,
where it says that "this kind does not go out except by praying and fasting"
I haven't been praying so much and i haven't been fasting.
No wonder the spirit of pride can't come out.
I love revelations man!

Ok i have a lot of tutorials to do.

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The End