Irish Essay Competition Winner
Author: Carlo@hoGc // Category:My Irish Essay Won!!!
Time for celebration!
And like finally,
I can get that iPod Touch!
*Dances around like an idiot*
But you know what?
On my way to the Irish Ambassador Residence was super funny.
I Got lost.
Yes, You heard me.
I got super lost.
And I came to the place 1 hour late.
What the heck right?
I didn't know where the place is.
So what i did was check the Singapore directory.
I saw MOE at the map so i stupidly went to Buona Vista.
But it turned out that it's not actually MOE HQ but another branch of MOE -.-
So it's around Orchard =.=
So from Buona Vista took 74
then the bus captain said that i should take 14 at the other side.
So I got off the next stop and crossed the road.
I used my handphone's GPRS and checked that the place is near River Valley Rd.
So I took 14 until River Valley Rd.
Walked and Walked but i still didn't see the place.
I asked around and the people didn't know where the place is.
Then I asked this uncle who was reading his newspaper in his van.
He was some renovator and he was parked in front of the place he was renovating.
He was very nice.
But the problem was that he's chinese!
I'm not racist
so don't get me wrong.
What i meant is that he speaks mainly mandarin.
So I mustered all the mandarin i knew
and asked him where the place was.
He took out his street directory in the van,
checked the map and then pointed the direction to me.
He was speaking to me in chinese,
but the miracle was that i understood what he was saying.
But I was running out of time.
It was already 445 and the things ends at 6 -.-
Now you see how late i was.
So I asked the uncle whether he can bring me there.
And he agreed!
He's so nice la!
You see.
There are still some nice people in Singapore!
He brought me all the way inside the place and even wished me luck!
So nice la!
Then go in to the residence and i was in complete awe!
The place looked really really nice.
There was a water feature at the backyard.
and yes there was a backyard.
But that's not all.
The whole place looked really really grand like a mansion!
The butler directed me to the Ambassador and I had some short talk with him.
Then he congratulated me and gave me my prize.
I think the ambassador was really friendly.
Then he told me that he told the other people that reading my essay had been very inspirational.
Major Ego boost la.
I was at a loss for words man.
So I just smiled and said thank you.
He then directed me to the food table for the Buffet Spread.
I just took the eclairs.
But oh man oh man.
They were heavenly.
They weren't like other eclairs.
The pastry was soft and thin.
Then inside it was filled with that vanilla filling.
Oh man.
I was too shy to take a lot.
Especially with me being late and all -.-
Talked to some people in there.
Walked around the house.
Talked to the butler.
Then finally I went to say goodbye to the Ambassador.
He's really very nice lei.
The way he talks to just makes you want to talk more to him.
Then I finally walked all the way back to orchard.
Which turned out to be a 20 minute walk -.-
While walking I might have looked like a complete idiot.
I was like smiling super wide to myself.
And I kept praising God.
And sometimes i would just jump up and down excitedly and shout hallelujah.
Thank God no one was walking with me.
But you know what.
It got me thinking.
God is really good.
He's always good.
I mean come on.
You've sinned so much.
I know I have.
Even as a Christian i've still fallen to sin now and again.
I'm Only human.
no matter how much we fall,
He still loves us so much.
He's still good to us.
Can you imagine if it was your friend.
And your friend kept making mistake.
You'll get angry right?
But God,
I find that He's really good and wonderful.
It's as though when we fall,
what He will do is,
Gently lift us up again,
And then smiles at us when we ask for forgiveness,
and then encourages us.
So cool hor?
My God is cool!
Jesus rocks my socks!
The End