Close call

Author: Carlo@hoGc // Category:
Did you know that we almost came close to being annihilated by an
asteroid?! The asteroid zoomed past Earth, barely missing it. It
happened on early Monday and it only appeared on the news today.

I think the people at NASA thought that we didn't have to know that we
were about to die -.-

Maybe by revealing that news, people will actually stop fighting and
love each other. Well at least for about 1 hour only because they said
that "within an hour of that discovery that it pose no threat to earth"

-Click here for the Full report-


I finally got the opportunity to offer that teacher my help and he
gladly accepted it! But we're still discussing on the terms. Hopefully
next week I can start. My plan is to take half of his class for ACE

Today also was quite a good day because it's kind of relaxed. But I
did walk around quite a lot to look for people and teachers. The CO
combined practice also sounded really goof today and the instructors
for each section was there to listen and teach at the same time while
Ding Lao Shi was conducting.

I really like the choice piece this year but I still liked our batch's
choice piece, Ava Mountain.

During CO there were some slackers but at one time I slacked with
them. Like for example, me and yun kit went to the DnT rooms and had a
chat with Ji Wei until Mr Wong saw Yun Kit slacking. LOL

The school really needs to get wi-fi man. Everytime I get back home
from PRSS, I'm flooded with Emails. So I'll be slowly reading and
replying them before going back down to have my dinner.

After having my dinner, I went up to further read any news updates and
found the same old same old things like how this person killed another
person etc.

Fortunately, Ji Wei talked to me on msn. Great guy to talk to and I'm
really impressed by the things he said. Great things are ahead for him!


So now we come to the awaited portion of this blog...

The Douche Bag of the Day!

Today's Douche Bag of the Day doesn't only concern one Douch Bag but
it's actually a group of Douche Bags!

A group of boys decided to add some "extra ingredients" to a tofu dish
and place it back onto the sushi conveyor belt. After a few seconds a
guy picked that dish from the conveyor belt and those Douche Bags
started having uncontrollable fits of laughter.

What if I added wasabi and some other infernal conction that I found
on the soles of my shoe to a dish and ask you to eat it, will you like

These boys are just really inconsiderate and lacks proper behaviour.
What they did is disgusting and shows how immature they really are and
that's why they are today's Douche Bag of the Day!

-Click here for the Video-


That's all I really want to say this Thursday night of March 5 2009.
This is Carlo and you've just been slapped with a prata.