Nice teacher being bullied

Author: Carlo@hoGc // Category:
Quite funny. I'm supposed to blog this like 20 minutes ago but then I
started playing Tap Tap Revenge 2 again. Note to self: don't play TTR2
before doing any work.

On Tuesday, while I was in Chinese Orchestra, there was this
particular class who got a real long "lecture" from their teacher. I
was there thinking to myself how ingrateful students are becoming

From what I know, the teacher is actually very nice. I heard so much
about the things that he did for the class during camp and other days.
But somehow, the students have taken everything for granted.

I just feel burdened for the teacher. Especially for the things he is
facing now. I'm wondering why the students are actually doing it to
the teacher. It's not as though this specific teacher is one of those
who have nothing else better to do but make your life a complete and
utter misery.

I've only talked to him once and already I got a very good impression
of him. If you know me well, I always, most of the time, base things
on first impressions and he definitely strikes me as a teacher who is
willing to befriend and help you out.

I like what someone said, and I quote: "I felt that the class was like
separated into a thousand diff coloured sand, but as long as the
sand(pupils) are being contained(leader-anyone) then the bottle of
sand will love [sic] darn beautiful^^and if you are reading my blog
and are or is from ***,please join me to make the class a better place
and even though there are people who are the black sheep,this doesn't
mean that the white ones can[sic] gather together and do well^^" 

-Click here to go to his blog-

By the way, if you don't know what [sic] means, it is used to highlight an

I kind of laughed when I read that because he was looking for the
"container" but the fact that he was burdened for the "white sheeps"
just further the fact that he IS that "container".


I'm going to try to make my blog posts as interesting as possible so
I'm going to add a segment at the end of every post which is...

*drum roll*

Douche Bag of the Day!

So for today's Douche Bag of the Day:
A guy stuffed his 6 month old cat in a marijuana pipe or bong. He
states that his cat was "high strung and needed to be put in a bong to
keep it calm"

One word, stupid.

If you want to get high, get high yourself. Don't put others or in
this case other things to misery because you waste your life on things
like marijuana.

This is animal cruelty and that's what makes this guy the Douche Bag
of the Day!

-Click here for the full report-

That's all for today, March 5 2009. This is Carlo and you've just been
slapped with a prata.

The End

Carlo Miguel Saavedra

(this post was typed entirely in iPod Touch)