Let's start this post with something really weird.
A Spanish Transexual became pregnant. So imagine someone who looks
like a guy, pregnant. If he wasn't transsexual, he'll probably just look like
someone who has a beer belly. A pretty huge one at that. I'm wondering.
What if the news didn't cover this story? Will people actually look at him
and just see a man with an extremely huge beer belly or will they think
he's really pregnant?
It's just weird to me. I have no idea why people do this kind of things.
And that's our Question of the Day.
What do you think is the cause of why certain people have qualms with
their sexuality?
If you had a sibling, you'll understand all about sibling rivalry and how
at times you just want to strangle your siblings. Right?
Well. An American Man took that statement literally and up to another
level by decapitating his 5-Year-Old Sister, fatally stabbed his 17-Year-Old
Sister and was about to attack his 9-Year-Old Sister when police officers
shot him dead on his tracks.
No one really knew why he did that. But that's just taking Sibling Rivalry
to a whole new level. New Level of barbarism. The sickest part was that
he decapitated his sister in front of the policemen. As though he was
enjoying what he was doing.
To think that you'll only find sleaze in Geylang is just being ignorant.
I admit that I am ignorant because Parklane mall have been turned
into a sleaze mall. Massage Parlors which provides 'Extra' services can
be found around the mall. According to the reporter, 6 out of 10 of these
shops found on the 3rd to 5th floors offer 'Special' Services.
They should put a sign in front of the mall which says:
Enter At Your Own Risk.
Ok. Guys. If the girls now know how to tell whether we like them or not
just by the duration we look at them, it's only fair that we know something
about them as well right? Well now we do!
Have you ever had the problem of girls having PMS and stuff like that? Well,
now scientists have found that shopping habits are linked to their Menstrual
Cycle. Girls spends more on shopping during these times to cheer themselves
up whenever they're depressed or stressed.
So that means, whenever you think that your partner is having mood swings,
bring her out for a shopping trip. Although, do it at your own risk, more likely
your wallet will turn out emptier after that ordeal compared to before. You'll
never know, maybe she'll actually treat you for once. But that's rare, girls more
likely just asks to be treated.
Remember Josef Fritzl? The Austrian who locked up his daughter in a dungeon
to rape her and also fathered several children from her? Remember that Douche
Well, if someone follows suit, he's even more of a Douche Bag right?
Well that's exactly why our Douche Bag of the Day is this Colombian man
who abused his daughter and fathered 8 children from her. Deja Vu right?
This kind of people make me sick. Come on. What are you possibly thinking?
What the heck would want to make you want to rape your own daughter?
Are you that desperate? That's sick and people like this shouldn't get life
imprisonment. They should get the death sentence!
Wait a second. Which is worse? Life imprisonment or death?
Anyway. This colombian man is our Douche Bag of the Day!
Let's now move on to our Google Top Search!
On No 3 we have
New Creation Church.
Founded in 1984, its congregation have grown to over 18000 in the year
2009. It is one of the mega churches that can be found in Singapore including
City Harvest Church and Faith Community Baptist Church.
New Creation Church recently hit the news because it raised $19 Million
in less than 24 hours amidst the Global Recession and even more recently
NCC have been featured again because of they payed one employee between
500001 to 550000 in the fiscal year ended March 31 2008.
In No 2
JPAE mean Joint Polytechnic Admission Exercise. I think that's kind of
straight forward. I think a lot of people have been checking their posting
results for polytechnics.
Today's top search in Google:
Lisa S
I have totally no idea who or what she does. I've come to the conclusion
that Singaporeans mainly use Google for convenience because they're
lazy to type the URL. You know how I know? Because I do that as well! ^^
That's all I really want to say this busy Monday Evening. I'm Carlo and You've
just been slapped with my prata!
Here's a really awesome video for all of you to enjoy!