Recently I made observations
To answer this specific question
Why are girls nowadays more promiscuous?
I'm not really sure whether promiscuous is the right word to use
But it's the closest word I can think of.
I better put a disclaimer before my main body.
Or else I'm pretty sure girls would kill me.
And there will also be some people who would question my sexuality
So I better put.
** Disclaimer:
The following post is merely an observation and does not imply that it is accurate. This is not a sexist post but as you will find talks about the wrongdoings of both sides. I am not gay. I like girls and that is why I am making this post to warn those kind of girls that their attractiveness is slowly but surely diminishing.
Thank you =D
Now that that's done and over with.
Let's continue.
As I was saying.
Many of the teenagers today are degrading in their moral values.
What is the cause?
Media? Environment? Parents? Culture? Peers?
Technically, you can't possibly separate all of those
Because all of them, together, is the cause of such degradation.
What do I mean by that?
Let me introduce to you the Cycle that I have observed.
What I have termed the Teen Bad Influence Cycle.
Take note of where it all begins.
Insecurity -> Parents -> Belonging -> Media -> Environment -> Culture -> Peers -> Insecurity
Let me explain the Cycle.
A girl feels insecure about herself.
About how she looks like to others.
Whether she looks good enough to others
She tries to communicate with her parents about her problems
But no response.
No communication between her parents and her.
She wants to have a sense of belonging.
Somewhere she would feel accepted and loved.
Somewhere people would appreciate her.
She watches the TV and sees a situation where a girl is famous
She's in awe.
She mimics the personality of that girl.
She goes to school with that personality
She is noticed.
She gets attention.
She's thinking, "this ain't bad"
Her environment is encouraging her to be someone else
She keeps doing it.
It's now no longer a mimicked personality
But a culture within her
She joins a clique
Her peers encourages her even more.
Someone in her clique gets a boy-friend
She starts being Insecure again.
And it goes back all the way to the beginning again.
But this time the environment is now different.
It's an environment where guys will direct her life.
Tell her to do this and that.
Guys will evade her saying she's not good looking enough (Manipulative)
Hence she'll change everything just to get the guy's attention
Until it becomes a culture to her.
She follows her peers
How they dress.
How they talk
How they lead their lives.
Then as they're walking
An ordinary girl looks at them
and gets hooked to the cycle
And hence starts her own story.
As you can see that the root is insecurity.
However I won't say it as definitely.
That's why I called it a cycle.
It can start from anywhere
Maybe Parents
or Maybe even the environment
Since each factor happens at such a fast rate,
In order for us to beat the cycle,
A factor needs to be taken out.
Eliminated from the cycle
So that once the person reaches that phase.
The cycle is broken and we can in then input our own cycle.
A Teen Good Influence Cycle.
Or as they always say.
Fight fire with fire.
We can use the Teen Bad Influence Cycle
To reverse the degradation of morality among youths
By providing right messages for them.
By a good communication
By providing them with the right environment
By practicing the right cultures
Although easier said than done.
It just takes 1 thing from the cycle to be changed to positive
Once one is changed
The rest is influenced
That's the power of influence
This is not as detailed as you would imagine.
But i actually forgot more of the details.
If I manage to remember all of those details again
I'll surely write it down for a proper article.
Just a side-note
These kind of girls who try to be someone they're not
It's disgusting
Those who goes out with guys just to show off
Plucked eyebrows, short skirts, skimpy top
It's just disgusting.
I mean come on.
So insulting to guys.
And for the guys.
If you actually fall for all of those
Thank You!
Till then
The End
Tag Replies:
Zoe - it's ok la. Not that bad. Especially when you're playing with your close friends. LOL
hr - update liao. NO! Not that often la. We should practice to sleep earlier. Late nights will decrease the efficiency of your immune system. Besides, too much of a good thing is bad. LOL. Anyways, once school starts i think supper will be kind of rare already. hahahas.