I Love Wednesdays!
Don't ask me why.
Because I don't know why!
aAaAaAaaAAaaAA =D
I was going to blog yesterday but I actually fell asleep after
deciding to have a short nap. Another lesson in life:
Don't take naps when you are super tired.
Anyway, moving on. Just to let you know, especially for those
who have not yet followed my twitter. I'm currently working
at Geylang East Library as an Admin. I know that I'm stalker-friendly,
so if you're really a stalker, you can find me most of the time at the comics
section. That's my form of entertainment while I'm working.
This blog will be updated every weekday at 6pm. I'm going to standardize it already.
Since I'm not doing so much work, I might as well update this blog every time.
And No, this is not called slacking. This is called 'Research', quoted from my boss.
But seriously, all jokes aside, if all your work for the day is done, what else
can you do? Tweet of course! I've been receiving complains that I'm flooding
my friends' Facebook Homepage. Firstly, it's Facebook's fault for revamping
the homepage yet again. Secondly, it's not my fault that your friends don't update
as much as I do. Lastly, Twitter Rocks! So just face it xD
I know that Twitter was reported to be the one that caused the break up
of John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston but I think it's more of Jennifer Aniston's
female related problem. Don't you think it's so irritating? Once you stead
with a girl, you will start to have problems you didn't have before you went into
a relationship with that girl. Until I manage to be patient enough to handle that,
I don't think I will have any 'closer' relationships with girls.
And I'm not gay. If that's what you're thinking right now after I made that statement.
I'm straight but I just don't think I'm ready to handle their problems when I have my
own problems to handle. Don't you think it's really irritating?
And That's our Question of the Day:
What's your view about this statement, for or against?
Tell me all about it on the tag board!
The eyes have always been a powerful factor in attracting the opposite sex.
Did you know that? If you didn't know that, well at least now you know.
Researchers have shown that an average of 8.2 seconds is all it takes
for a man to fall in love at first sight. But this only goes to men, the same is
not true for women. According to the researchers, the men looked into the
eyes of the actresses they find attractive for an average of 8.2 seconds and
4.5 seconds for those that they don't find attractive.
So for girls now you know how to tell whether a certain guy you like or
don't like finds you attractive. You have now been handed a key in protecting
yourself. But that depends on you whether you'll exploit it or actually use for
something morally inclined.
Spiderman was spotted in Thailand saving an autistic boy who was sitting
on a ledge. A Thai Fireman donned a spiderman costume in an effort to save
the autistic boy who refused to budge from the ledge to go to lessons after finding
out the boy's huge interest in superheroes. The fireman has a costume stored in the
fire station to be used to liven up school fire drills
I think our firemen should also have some kind of costume stored in the fire
stations. Something easy to wear like maybe The Flash, Superman, Batman, etc.
Or something really easy: jump into a vat of sky blue paint naked and you're
Dr Manhattan! But it's not really that recommended ^^
Have you ever tried out Google Earth to find your house from a bird's
eye view? Well a certain teenager certainly did and he wanted to do
something else to make it easier for him to find his house. What did he do?
He drew a huge phallus on the roof of his house so that it's way easier to spot it.
If you don't know what a phallus is, use the dictionary.
It took a year before it was found out by his parents. A helicopter was
flying over the house when they saw it and called his parents about it.
His dad thought it was an April Fool's joke but after asking his 4 children,
the guy who did it owned up.
His father took it with good humor. I wonder how his mom took it. I'm sure
all hell broke loose. Mothers kind of almost always make things such a big deal.
Don't you think so?
Have you ever been to an eatery to study and/or de-stress? I certainly have!
But I don't do it during peak hours because I take the space from other people
who really needs to eat. But if it's Off-Peak, you'll probably see quite a few students
studying in places like McDonalds, KFC and even Ikea (Tampines).
But somehow people are pissed off about it even though there's still so many seats
that are still available for their convenience.
That's why our Douche Bag of the Day is this Stomper, who apparently couldn't
get her favorite seats in Ikea (Tampines) so she felt the urge to report it in Stomp
so that 'Proper Authorities' can reserve the seats for her.
If you look closely at the pictures that she took, you'll see that there's actually
so many seats which are still available. It makes you wonder why she reported this huh?
What really bothers me is that she's a parent. Can't believe how far people will go
to earn even just a little bit of fame.
What really irked me was her last statement: "I wonder where all these Singaporeans'
education go to?"
It certainly didn't seem to go to her. Who should we call to report Douche Bags
of the Day?
That's all I really want to say this great Wednesday afternoon of March 25 2009.
I'm Carlo and you've just been slapped with my prata.